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Digital Art

Dernière mise à jour : 13 mai 2019

Digital Art is an artistic composition that relies on the use of technology in its creation. It's been around since the 70's and is mainly used to have a stronger yet very different impact that “usual” art. Digital Art comes in many forms, most often it's either computer generated, drawn using various types of software, or digital paintings sourced from photos. When dealing with something as traditional as art, it may be difficult to understand how to incorporate that with today’s domineeringly digital world.

Thanks to app like Behance(link to Clemence’s article) we are now able to take a closer look to these masterpieces. I would like to share one of my personal favorites : Tactile by Serafim Mendes which is an abstract digital project that illustrates the sense of touch or as the artist says : “of or connected to the sense of touch; perceptible by touch or apparently so”.

I personally find this art piece extremely fascinating and powerful as it manages to convey the feeling of the texture through both the bright and contrasted colours but also the composition of the realisations, the various objects involved but also the different close-up and plan chose.

Written by Andrea A.

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