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The role of Social Media in cinema promotion

Right from making a film till the promotional phase of that film is very critical because a wholesome of money has to be spent. Movies have to be profitable from award season to the actual come out of the movie.

The introduction of latest technology has changed the cinematic landscape. Now the films are made with a rapid speed and cost of film-making has changed the production process completely. But the promotional phase is still a major mainstay for the success of a movie.

Movie Marketing doesn't get better than Deadpool's promotional campaign

Trailer, Interviews and actors are the main ground for a successful promotion.

A lot of movies and directors are master in film promotion, such as Call me By your Name by Luca Guadagnino or Get Out by Jordan Peele, but a movie that has changed the game is Deadpool by Tim Miler.

Normally by the time a superhero movie rolls around, fans can piece together all the teasers, trailers, TV spots, and clips to spoil the film itself, or least a hefty chunk of it. This hasn't been the case at all for Deadpool. This movie has been heavily mysterious for a long time. Ryan Reynolds has shot the additional material to convey the tone of Deadpool without showing too much actual footage. Each and every piece of the marketing feels like it was plucked out of Deadpool's brain. It's like the Marvel Comics Character decided to write, direct, and star in a movie about himself

In the promotion process the trailer is the eye opener, it the thing that is going to make you say “I NEED TO SEE THIS”. And believe me, Deadpool got it down to a fine art.

This trailer did so many things right. It showed that they nailed the tone. It introduced a whole world of people to a character they may not have known. It paid fan service to the leaked highway footage that got the film made, and it got us all totally stoked for the movie without giving away too much. Take notes ad people, this is how you trailer.

Knowing your audience is important, and this trailer makes it abundantly clear that the people selling Deadpool know their audience.

The Poster Poking Fun at Green Lantern

The Leaked Script Page on social media

Deadpool's The Bachelor Spot

The movie Deadpool nailed the digital marketing, and are leading the game today !

Also if your looking for a good time, go watch the movie you won’t be disappointed.

Here's the movie trailer !

Written by Clemence S.

21 vues2 commentaires

2 opmerkingen

07 jun. 2018



Manuela Aldama Dewit
Manuela Aldama Dewit
11 apr. 2018

What an awesome topic! I agree, Deadpool's proportion campaign is one of the best! I love that you are writing about it and giving it even more coverage!

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