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How does Social Media help us to enlarge our musical horizons

We all have particular tastes in music and people often spend their life listening to the same songs and styles without looking for new artists. Luckily, we’re now living in a world where there is no excuse to stay away from all the amazing opportunities we have to discover new things.

An example? Music platforms such as Spotify or Deezer, but also Soundcloud, play a huge role in the mediatization of “unknown” artists. In fact, you have the “DISCOVER” section, where, depending on the music you listen to all the time, an intelligent program offers you the same sort of music or related artists you might like.

These are great opportunities to open your minds and try new things and this is where social media reveal their beauty.

Written by Lina B.

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1 Comment

Margot d'Illiers
Margot d'Illiers
Apr 11, 2018

Music is an always has been a great part of people's lifes, now with all of these platforms we are able to learn about so many more genres and musics that we would've never listened to. Great article.

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