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Théo Gosselin, shooting with his heart

Dernière mise à jour : 11 avr. 2018

« An image worth a thousand words. »

Théo Gosselin is 24. He is a traveler and a photographer.

His concept? Expressing himself with images.

His biggest asset : his youth, which allows him to capture live, renewing, unique

photographs, to which he brings his personal touch. They don't let you indifferent.

Théo started interesting himself to photography when he was in High School, and slowly started to be passionate of this art, bringing his camera everywhere he could. He tried the silver photography, helped by his father, and then switched to the digital one. But he had a long journey since his beginnings in the world of photography. His pictures were improved, and he entered in the Superior Art of School. He graduated and started to develop his own business, "leaved in the nature making my own photographs since 2012", he said during an interview gave to Photo Trend. In 2009, he creates a blog, an Instagram account a few years after, followed by the creation of a Youtube Channel. His notoriety increases, people notice him and Théo definitely enters in the closed circle of the photograph artists.

Two years ago, he's the headliner of the famous Photography Exhibition 2015 edition, a true springboard for his carrier of image hunter.

Théo Gosselin launched then three photography books, Avec le cœur (2013), Avec le cœur II (2014) and Sans limites (2015), a selection of his best photographs, a real pleasure for the eyes and the minds. In Sans Limites, we follow, with a lot of poetry, the everyday life of travelers during one day.

Théo has the special talent to take intimate images, which sound like an invitation to discover the world through travels. We can feel his thirst for life, his desire to run out from urban frenzy. Photography is for him the way to create his own world, next to the daily horrors we are confronted to. He doesn't want to run away from reality, he just aspires to make it more beautiful and inspiring.

Théo takes his influence from some american directors of independent films, depicting the explosive and misunderstood youth (Gus Van Sant).

Today, Théo Gosselin lives from his art, his formation being made during his whole life and has a human aspect more present than a technical one. He finds his inspiration in the numerous cities and countries he sees, in the relationships he develops with the people he meets all around the world. He is now considered as one of the most creative photographer of his generation and doesn't want to stop there. He has a lot of new projects to come, such as a future exhibition in Japan, or the publication of a new book that he wants to self-edit with his partner, who is also a photographer.

40 vues3 commentaires


Emma Aub
Emma Aub

So cool to have an article on this artist! I follow him and his girlfriend on Instagram since a moment now and I truly love his style and photos!



Interesting article. Be careful with the franglais.


Zelda Ridgway
Zelda Ridgway

His pictures are amazing! I knew him but not his books so thank you for letting me know.

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