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I.45 : Art Events That Work Thanks to Social Media

Dernière mise à jour : 11 avr. 2018

How students can create art events and touch big audience without any reputation? How create an exhibition without any budget? How to find artist who accept to participated to those events?

This is what ICART students made by creating I.45 event.


"Otherwise Look"

This is what we propose during I.45 event.

At the heart of atypical premises on the avenue Montaigne, come discover the work of Jeremy Beaudet for his first photographic exhibition: a universe where the dance gets lost right in the middle of the architecture which surrounds us.

Not to conceive any more only the dance as an esthetic and unchanging visual, danced performances will take place to give life to the photographic universe. This evening invites you to consider the space and the movement in any other way, by going to meet young artists.

ICART students will be delighted to accompany you throughout this evening and to guide you in this adventure.

Some of the pictures that have been exposed

Who is Jeremy Beaudet?

« The beautiful is for me essential, but I give particular importance to the truth. I shall not choose between both, I shall only try to make beautiful truth. »

Après une première collaboration avec Claire Sintard, une fascination pour l’image en mouvement nait : c’est ainsi que la première série « Espace et Mouvement » voit peu à peu le jour. Il poursuit son travail avec Margaux Palud et Marie Delgrange pour finalement réaliser sa première exposition I.45 avec les étudiant de l’ICART.

Jeremy Beaudet is a French young photographer / videographer.

Traveler and follower of urban art movement, shoots reveal to be the real passion. In parallel of his studies of broadcasting, he begins practicing the photography with zeal and creativity, by being interested more and more in the movement notion. After a first collaboration with Claire Sintard, a fascination for movement images is born: the first series "Space and Movement" is born little by little. He pursues his work with Margaux Palud and Marie Delgrange to finally realize his first exhibition I.45 with students of the ICART.


Thanks to social media and relations, those students were able to promote their event and met 200 people during the night. They understand that without those media they will not have the same influence !

Thanks to Facebook they were able to know approximately how many people want to come, think about it, were touch by this event and post pictures after the event.

Finally, they create a website for more information and ArtistikReso published an article about them.

Written by Marie D.

42 vues4 commentaires


Margaux Palud
Margaux Palud
Apr 11, 2018

I love the way you talk about this event! Makes me regret I couldn't be present !


Apr 11, 2018

Thank you, indeed it was a complicated pose but for a very cool result ! Stay in touch for maybe more informations !


Elise Wendt
Elise Wendt
Apr 11, 2018

Love how you air out your article with different paragraphs and with the lovely pictures! Makes me want to read more !


Apr 08, 2018

Very interesting.

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